What's the difference between a 360 Tour video and a 3D Walk-through?
360 Tour
The 360 Tour can feature audio, voice over or music. A guide takes the viewers through the space and points out the different features. She directs the viewer's attention to the 360 degrees of viewing available.
3D Walk-through
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Hot spot tags vs motion graphics
To highlight specific areas in a 3D Walk-through, we add hot spot tags that the viewer can hover over to get more info. These can also be clickable links.
For 360 Tours, we can add clickable annotations and in-video motion graphics. This allows us to vary the style and types of information we are showing.
Hosting options
Our 3D Walk-throughs are fully hosted for one year from delivery. The interactive platform holds all the volumetric data and easily embeds onto your website or social media.
360 Tours can be hosted on YouTube, Facebook or natively on your website, depending on your content goals and budget.
Feature 3
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